Sunday, January 18, 2009

Leave the Sharks and other apex predators alone?

I cannot believe the headlines, It's Safe to Go in the Water! of course it is safe, we have being swimming with sharks for ever and the number of shark deaths and shark attacks are so minimal it is crazy. These animals, like lions, wolves, bears, eagles, snakes, are so critical to the ecology of the places they live.

If humans want to swim in the ocean, then you run the risk of been bitten or killed by a shark or a box jelly fish or any other marine creature, that is the risk you run. What right do we have to kill or control these animals, it is their home, their habitat, if you are scared of them , then stay away.

Let's look at the deaths on our roads, suicide, drugs, war, child abuse, murder, stupidity (car hoons), let's sort at our own environment, then worry about the apex animals. These animals are the least of our worries compared to what we do to ourselves.

Good over it everyone, tough titties to those who get bitten, stay away if you do not like the risks associated with swimming or bushwalking

Humans do not have the right to control nature, we should work with it?? I say go the sharks, you are getting some of your own back for all the years humans have killed your populations for no reason?

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