Saturday, October 11, 2008

Is this the future of conservation?

While I understand that this has been goingon for a while, I guess it is good to comment of some good environmental news. This was story written in the Weekend Australian Newspaper on the 11th October 2008 by Natasha Robinson.

Stockman Frank Shadforth has been farming the Northern Territories gulf country since the 70s and says he has noticed and experienced the disappeance of many animals including a woodpecker and small kangaroo. Now this stockman, whose father was the first aboriginal to purchase a longterm lease in Australia, has signed an historic sub lease agreement with the 'Australian Wildlife Conservancy' to help manage over 100,000ha of Mr Shadforths Seven Emu Station.

This station lays claim to over 300 species of reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds and mammals as well as 500 species of plants.

This is a fantastic story and I believe this type of arangement is a great model moving forward and should be encouraged through tax breaks and government grants as a way to encourage more of this behaviour.

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