Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sea Shepherd update

Hi all

It is good to see that the Sea Shepherd has dock safely in Hobart for a few days to re-fuel and to give the crew some time ashore.

Even though the captain is been harassed by customs for some sort of white powder, they are doing a good job.

Keep up the good work Sea Shepherd, get back out there and kick some Japanese arse, get them out of Antarctic waters for good.

The Japs are such an arrogant bunch, whaling is dead in the water.

Get over it Japan, move on. The tradition should be confined to the history books of your culture.


Anonymous said...

Hear hear! Research the "cultural" aspect of eating whale meat, however. That claim is propaganda.

Keep up the good work.

Ben said...

I have heard much about Sea Sheperd. Just wonder if they have a website?